1. My Mother's Eyes (2023) directed by Takeshi Kushida • Reviews, film + ...
An effortlessly interesting film from a creator who revealed he has a phobia of other people's eyes which explains a LOT about this film. In an attempt to ...
Both Hitomi and her daughter Eri are cellists. One day, they are involved in a traffic accident and Hitomi loses her sight. She wears camera-equipped contact lenses and Eri, injured and hospitalized, wears VR goggles, and the two share one vision.

2. マイマザーズアイズの作品情報・感想・評価・動画配信 - Filmarks
ピラメキの感想・評価 カメラ内蔵のコンタクトレンズで娘と視覚を共有と予告に期待して399P作品を見てしまいました。 色々ツッコミ所満載だがラストは中々のサイコっぶり ...
レビュー数:286件 / 平均スコア:★★★3.5点

3. 'My Mother's Eyes': Psychodrama pushes to mad extremes
Bevat niet: (マイ | Resultaten tonen met:(マイ
See AlsoSe compra un casoplón por un error de Crypto.com: le dieron 10 millones en vez de 100 dólares al pedir reembolso de criptomonedasDynasty Warriors 7 Empires Review - IGNCall for Aspartame (E 951) use level and/or analytical data in food and beverages intended for human consumptionComplete Nail Salon Equipment Checklist for 2024 | zolmi.comTakeshi Kushida’s atmospheric horror film about toxic parent-child relationships unfolds in a fantasy world that strains credulity.

4. My Mother's Eyes (Frightfest 2023 Review) - The Geek Show
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The slow embers of a J-Horror revival are a coming thanks to movies like Takeshi Kushida's Frightfest movie, My Mother's Eyes.

5. My Mother's Eyes (2023) - MyDramaList
Both Hitomi and her daughter Eri are cellists. One day, they are involved in a traffic accident and Hitomi loses her sight.
See AlsoBest Ending? VillainsBoth Hitomi and her daughter Eri are cellists. One day, they are involved in a traffic accident and Hitomi loses her sight. She wears camera-equipped...

6. Film Review: My Mother's Eyes (2023) by Takeshi Kushida
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"Mother, will you let me die?" Film Review: My Mother's Eyes (2023) by Takeshi Kushida

7. My Mother's Eyes, Iruka wa Furadansu wo Odorurashii, 365DAYs+, This ...
23 nov 2023 · Synopsis: This is a film where the acting is done in an improvisational style. The cast worked with outlines for their characters. The story ...
My Mother’s Eyes, Iruka wa Furadansu wo Odorurashii, 365DAYs+, This Magic Moment, Metameta, Sylvanian Families the Movie: A Gift from Freya, Japanese Film Trailers

8. My Mother's Eyes (Film, 2023) - MovieMeter.nl
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Horror / Sciencefiction film.