Best Ending? Villains (2024)

1. 19 Movie Villains Who Actually Got a Happy Ending - MovieWeb

  • 4 jun 2023 · 19 Hannibal Lecter - Silence of the Lambs · 18 Catwoman - The Dark Knight Rises · 17 Iago - The Return of Jafar · 16 Darth Vader - Return of the ...

  • Occasionally you get movies where the villains end up better off than before, or even straight-up win.

19 Movie Villains Who Actually Got a Happy Ending - MovieWeb

2. The Villain's Ending: How to Serve Your Villain Their Comeuppance

  • These endings are perhaps the most enjoyable to both read and write, they allow both you and the audience to have closure but while making echoes in the story.

  • The Villain is one of the most important characters in your story, the driving force for everything that happens your heroes and your world. The Villain must be dealt with, we can all agree on this o…

The Villain's Ending: How to Serve Your Villain Their Comeuppance

3. 7 Best Evil Endings In RPGs, Ranked - Game Rant

7 Best Evil Endings In RPGs, Ranked - Game Rant

4. Best ending to the game | Fandom - Villains Wiki

  • 15 okt 2024 · Is there a well-written villain who is SO hateable that you cannot say he/she is a great villain ? ... Which Jon Cryer villain do you like better?

  • Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video

Best ending to the game | Fandom - Villains Wiki

5. The Bad Guy Wins - TV Tropes

  • A bad guy who wins is a Karma Houdini by definition, and such endings can frequently be depressing as hell itself — even more so than your regular Downer Ending ...

  • We're all used to heroes winning out over the bad guys. The bad guys get theirs, justice is done, and the heroes walk away happy. Sometimes things are a little more bittersweet, but we at least expect the villain to lose in the end. One can even …

The Bad Guy Wins - TV Tropes

6. A Fitting End for a Villain? | Mythic Scribes Writing Forums

  • 15 aug 2012 · Is there any kind of ending for a villain that you'd like to see? Or do you think that death is the best choice for the villains who can't possibly be forgiven?

  • Villain, antagonist, along the general sense of creating conflict against the protagonist and in this case, an extremely evil person...what kind of ending would be satisfactory to bad guys? The most villains I've seen usually end up dying at the end of the series though I've also seen a few...

7. How to Write a Compelling Antagonist: Ending - Listenable

  • All good things must come to an end. This includes your antagonist's story arc. How it ends is often the most important part of the story.

  • All good things must come to an end. This includes your antagonist’s story arc. How it ends is often the most important part of the story, and it's something that you have to plan out in advance. Don’t write the rest of your story and then have no idea how to have your antagonist’s character arc end. This is important to do with any character, but it's especially important here, as the villain is one of the most important characters in the whole story, and often reflects the themes of your story. The pure evil villain is almost impossible to redeem simply due to the fact that they are...

How to Write a Compelling Antagonist: Ending - Listenable

8. Being a Better Writer: A Villain Protagonist Ending | Unusual Things

  • 29 aug 2022 · A villain protagonist ending is usually the ending most stories we tell do their best to avoid. So hit that jump, and let's talk about writing and ending where ...

  • This week on Being a Better Writer we once again return to the subject of writing villain protagonists! How does a villain protagonist ending differ from a regular one, and what considerations and …

Being a Better Writer: A Villain Protagonist Ending | Unusual Things
Best Ending? Villains (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.